Neurodivergent: Thinking Differently in the Workplace

Neurodivergent: Thinking Differently in the Workplace

Neurodivergent: Thinking Differently in the Workplace

What we do?>Neurodivergent: Thinking Differently in the Workplace

There are various advantages to thinking differently and having neurodiverse teams in the workplace, from digesting knowledge to creating connections. Supporting neurodiversity at work and tapping into the abilities and talents of neurodivergent people will benefit organizations of all sizes and sectors. Diversity in whatever form should be viewed as an asset and something that businesses should strive to increase.

One in every seven people has a neurodivergent condition. It is believed that 10 percent of adults worldwide are dyslexic, 5 percent are dyspraxic, 4 percent have ADHD, and 1-2 percent are autistic. While these figures may indicate challenges, neurodiversity may also highlight many talents that come from thinking differently. 

Neurodiversity encourages employers to talk about brain diversity in the same way that they talk about biodiversity and cultural variety. It will help an organization improve by recruiting people who think differently and have diverse perspectives and ideas on difficulties and challenges. 

1. Neurodivergents know their strengths and weaknesses

Neurodivergent people frequently understand their own strengths and shortcomings, which stems from a lifetime of devising workarounds to allow them to realize their maximum potential. 

2. Employers can learn a lot!

Employers and leaders who get to know their staff can nurture some of the greatest qualities that come from thinking differently. One-on-one meetings are a great way to communicate with all staff and it’s critical to listen to employee feedback and make positive changes.

3. A team that can think outside the box

The capacity to think creatively and outside the box is a highly valuable quality that businesses want. And, thinking differently puts you in a position to approach problems in ways that others might not.

4. Creativity as standard

Being neurodivergent, whether it's dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, Tourette's disease, or a hearing disability, is becoming standard and commonly accepted. Bringing a new viewpoint, contributing meaningful value, including creativity and lateral thinking, is the greatest asset. Neurodivergent persons frequently have highly specific skills.

Creativity as standard

Neurodivergent persons frequently have highly specific skills

5. Success where others may fail

The ability to think differently than neurotypical people is the greatest strength of being neurodivergent. We frequently become so entrenched in our ways and accustomed to keeping to the status quo that we don't have time to consider new ways of doing things or examine our own beliefs. If you’ve ever worked with a new employee who is neurodivergent, they are likely to tell you how things are being done wrong and come up with new ways to work that save a business time and money. The best outcome possible, really. 

6. More social justice

Many neurodivergent people are passionate about social justice. What some perceive as inflexible hyperfocus on rules is actually a natural predisposition to strongly believe in the need for fairness and justice. This emphasis on fairness, along with strong empathy, produces individuals who will fight zealously for the rights of the disadvantaged and the environment.  

Many people have the mistaken idea that neurodivergent people are not empathic. In fact, the reverse is frequently true: they may get so affected by the infringement of someone's rights or witnessing someone in distress that they completely shut down and are unable to respond in a way that neurotypical people understand as empathic. 

7. Challenging archaic processes

In a fast-paced and ever-changing corporate world, having neurodiverse team members who think differently and challenge the conventional is an asset. An autistic mind that desires efficiency can look at a task that’s been done the same way for years and make improvements. Others might just conform, but a neurodivergent person will likely question how things are done and strive to change them - rebuild processes and save resources. 

Challenging archaic processes

Having neurodiverse team members who think differently is an asset

8. Making connections

Another great asset that most neurotypicals overlook is the ability to make connections. For example, someone with superb long-term memory and the capacity to hyper-focus on small details combined equals the ability to make connections between seemingly unconnected items. Not just recalling something that others forget; it’s remembering the one detail that connects everything.

9. Inclusivity for all

Neurodiversity is still an underserved issue in all sectors and has widespread stigma. Even our own founder, Ronni K. G. Christiansen is on the neurodiversity scale and why we’re set on including everyone and hoping to break taboos. 

An increasing number of businesses do recognize that it is not only right to provide chances to all, but that individuals who think differently provide a competitive edge and contribute to the creation of an inclusive atmosphere for all. 

Recruiting colleagues on the neurodiversity scale really can provide significant benefits to a business.

If you are Neurodivergent and want to find a different approach to learning, gaining qualifications, and recruitment, Next-Gen can help. It’s a smart learning and career development platform that only offers relevant short-term qualifications that lead to employment.

Visit the website for more information.

The future of education starts in the Eduverse.


[1] Neurodiversity in tech